Saturday, February 9, 2013


In the beginning, Friday afternoon

This morning

Duke: What the ....
We are not amused
Yeah, 4 wheel drive this...

 We're not going anywhere, the drifts are up to the hood of the Element! It looks like it's finally stopping, now we have to dig out. So far 2 friends have broken their snow blowers, luckily one house is right up the street so we can get to them. Mr. Man to the rescue! Off to help shovel....


  1. Oh my, stay warm and stay safe. That is some snow indeed. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Wow, you did get a lot of snow... stay warm and safe!

  3. Wow that is a lot of snow. Time to hibernate i think.


  4. What's that Duke? You're not amused?! What about you Maggie? Get out there and jump, roll and be silly - snow is SO much fun to play in! The acd6pack think so...The Mom, not so much.

    Happy shoveling. Ugh. : )

    1. The snow in the backyard is over their heads in most spots! I nearly got claustrophobic when shoveling the channel from the back steps to the field, it's about 5 feet high. They had a blast when the snow was only a foot deep on Friday. :)

  5. LOL - Glad to see you folks made it through. We just now (almost 5 pm) got finished digging out. Helped one neighbor dig out and lent our snow blower to another who broke his. It's been a mess but a lot of fun in a way, too. Unfortunately poor Bella can't play in it (she's still in rehab) even though it's the light fluffy stuff dogs love.

    Hope you found some time to play in the all this white stuff today. :)

    1. We didn't finish until after 4, we ended up helping a few neighbors too, it was kind of fun. We had to pull each other out of the snow when we made angels at the end. :)
      Maggie and Duke enjoyed marking snow along the entire street to let all of the other dogs know it was THEIRS! Hope Bella is feeling better soon!

  6. We only got one foot. We heard in our city that 2 snowblowers caught on fire today during the dig out. Be careful and have fun! Lee and Phod

    1. A foot sounds perfect! Too bad about the snow blowers. You too!

  7. Wow ! Thats a lot of snow . Things that we never experience and see in this part of the world.
    With the weather we have here in this country , I guess if I am ask my furr to wear that pretty black and read gear you have. They will never be amused ! Stay warm and safe you guys !

    Awwww from the furryplace in cambodia

    1. Your dogs would probably overheat in coats! I could use some of your nice warm weather right now. :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. That snow looks miserable! And wow to those long leashes! Stay warm!

  10. Soon the snow will stop coming.... right?

  11. I've been seeing news footage of your blizzard. It looks frightening. Take care! I hope you guys have enough food stockpiled X

  12. Whoa!! You really got whammed too! Hoping you are all safe and snug at home right now!

  13. Holy moly! Look at all that snow. I hope you stayed warm!!

  14. Wow, you got lots of snow. We did, too, but luckily for us we are inside kitties. The humans, though, were not as lucky and had to go outside. Ha ha!

  15. Wow we did not get anything like that. Looks like the punks are having fun I can't get mine out of the door. LOL
