Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Doug Story

Hey peoples, wanna lemme out of heah?

C'mon, ah'll climb right up on yah hands.

Though mah pie plate and plastic log ah pret-tay cool...mmm hmm (said like BB Thornton in Slingblade)

The fake tree rocks, ah just tipped it ovah ta get y'all's tension.

Hey, nice welding gloves! Mah claws don't get ahz stuck in thems.

Hey Ozzy, what're yah meowing 'bout? Y'all sound kinda whiny.

Hey, where yah going? Didn't mean nothin' by it.

Hey lady, yah done with this here flashy light thang yet?

O-Kay, one more profile pic and that's it, mmm hmm.


  1. At last! A Doug story! Aren't you a cutie pie. Lurve your accent too. Kissy boo x

  2. Doug, you're too cool and I find your accent to be quite fitting for your personality!

  3. Doug your such a cute funny little lizard!

  4. Cool one Doug! Have a super Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Doug is very cool. Do you always have to wear gloves to handle him? (Sorry to be so ignorant, I don't know much about lizards. My friend had an iguana but we never used gloves.)

    1. It's easier to wear gloves since his nails curl under and tend to get stuck in my skin or clothing. His toes are so long and fragile that we worry about them getting hurt if he gets stuck and twists. He needs a nail trim right now, we need to find a new herpetologist.

    2. Ah - so it's more about protecting him than protecting you. That makes sense. Thanks for the education. :)

  6. Good story, Doug! We liked that you told it in your Billy Bob Thornton voice, too!

    1. The Mr came up with the BBT voice for Doug a few years ago, seems to fit. :)

  7. Doug is so cool! What kind of lizard is he?

    1. Doug is a Solomon Island Skink, also known as a monkey tailed skink. He can hang by his tail like a monkey!
