Saturday, September 15, 2012

Rescue dog blogs and awards

The Dude, Maggie and Duke say "cool, thanks!" Cocoa slept through it.

Thanks to A Day in the Life of a Goose for passing on the following 2 blog awards! 
Goose is a super cute rescue pup that was adopted through Northern California Family Dog Rescue and now lives with his person  Domeek and his 3 cat brothers.

Freckles the Dog One Lovely Blog Award The requirements for the One Lovely Blog Award are:
  • Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them in your post.
  • Share 7 things about yourself. 
  • Nominate other bloggers you admire. 
  • Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know.    

 7 Things About Maggie, Duke, the cats and Doug:
  1. Maggie hates car rides, Duke loves them. The cats hate car rides, luckily their vet now makes house calls! Doug doesn't seem to care either way.
  2. Maggie has allergies and doesn't like most treats. Duke loves treats but won't eat when he's nervous.
  3. Cocoa loves meat and will meow and circle the Mr. when he's cooking. None of the other cats will eat anything beside cat food and treats. (Serina does like to eat paper...)
  4. Maggie sounds like a giant dog when she barks. Duke has a hound dog "woo woo woo" call and a regular bark.
  5. The Dude will take any spot that the other animals like, he is a complete copy cat.
  6. Ozzy will cuddle up with anyone, dog , cat or people, and they all love him
  7.   The Dude loves to "hold hands"; he'll put his paw on us, Ozzy, the dogs and visitors. He's tried to hold hands with Cocoa and Serina, but they don't trust him because he has sat on them in the past.
 The requirements for the Beautiful Blogger Award are:

  • To copy the Beautiful Blogger Award logo and place it in your post. 
  • Thank the person who nominated you and create a link back to their blog. 
  • Nominate 7 other bloggers for their own Beautiful Blogger Award. 

In alphabetical order, the bloggers we're sending the One Lovely Blog and Beautiful Blogger awards are:

Check out their blogs, there are so many different stories of adopted dogs and their great families!


    1. Daw, thanks guys! ;-) Hehe I love your seven things! But my brothers are currently dying over the fact that most of your cats won't eat anything besides cat food! They wonder "what's wrong with them"? Have a fantastic Sunday!

    2. Congratulations on your award. Have a lovely Sunday.
      Best wishes Molly

    3. Wow! Thanks! Now I just have to think of seven things I can share about myself that I haven't already spilled the beans about on the blog! ;)

    4. Congrats on your awards, and thanks for nominating us! We're just getting over a case of the lazies, so hopefully we'll have our award post up sometime this week (or next week). =P
